Killing Time, 2007, Antique darkroom scale, vintage family photos and heirloom watch. Collection of the artist.

Killing Time, 2007, Antique darkroom scale, vintage family photos and heirloom watch. Collection of the artist.


Global Alchemist is the working title for Nichole Miller…

Nichole Miller is an artist, writer and creative problem solver who has worked across a wide variety of mediums which range from building interactive installations and operas to hairdressing. She is influenced by the history of human thought, its expression, and how our everyday interactions—when added up—perpetuate the collective content of our shared human experience. Nichole is equal parts idealist and pragmatist. She has the audacity to dream big and the tenacity to follow through…regardless of context. She uses artistic expression as an open invitation to engage with the questions that seem fundamental to all of us.

Nichole has a terminal case of wanderlust, though she can often be found at the intersection of cognition and aesthetics.

This site is currently under reconstruction, because we all evolve…

All rights are reserved by the artist. All content, including all images and writings, are the product and property of the artist and are protected by copyright.